Frastanzer beer just tastes delicious. This unadulterated, pure flavour is the result of the traditional art of brewing and the best raw ingredients. Together with 100 members of the cooperative, we make decisions about the future path of the business, about new products and marketing.
The regional cooperative brewery
The history of the Frastanz brewery began with an inaugural meeting on 22nd July 1902. The business was still in its infancy for a long period, but today has become a proud, successful traditional brewery. We are very proud of the fact that we have been a member of the brewing cooperative since 1902 and look forward to pouring you a glass of Frastanzer when you next visit.

S'klenne goht immer
The Frastanz brewery is and remains an emblem for our region and supports landlords, employees and dealers on site. It is not short-term profit seeking that matters here - rather, it is long-term benefits for customers and members of the cooperative, along with providing the highest Frastanz speciality beers.